Answers to Some QUestions You May Have In Mind
Do you sell investment or insurance products?
No. Unlike most financial advisors we do not sell any investments or insurance products. We only sell advice and are paid directly by our clients, not by sales commissions.
Why financial planning first?
The primary objective of financial planning is to establish an underlying long-term purpose for savings and investing. Without that purpose, it’s impossible to align your financial resources with your values. Secondarily, financial planning creates “guardrails” for your overall financial life and helps you avoid serious financial mistakes.
What types of clients do you typically work with?
We work primarily with entrepreneurs who are in the run-up phase prior to retirement. The common desire of all our clients is to build a sustainable financial framework that can maintain their existing lifestyle including living cost increases for decades past retirement.
What if I just want a one-time review?
Our decades-long experience informs us that financial issues are usually not acute but instead tend to be chronic. We believe strongly that episodic financial advice is of limited real value. Therefore, we provide ongoing long-term oriented financial planning, behavioral guidance and investment management.
What types of investments do you utilize?
Many decades of academic research into markets provide a foundation of evidence about sources of investment returns. Dimensional Fund Advisors has been at the forefront of much of this research. Therefore, we primarily utilize Dimensional Funds for building effective client portfolios. For more information on Dimensional Fund Advisors visit
Can I just do this myself?
Probably so…with one huge caveat: human emotions. These emotions significantly complicate rational financial decision-making. We help buffer these emotions through behavioral guidance and keep you focused on what really matters for your financial future. Creating space where you don’t have to worry about irrelevant short-term issues can be of tremendous value.
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